Lifespan - More than just genetics

Lifespan - More than just genetics

A new study published in the BMJ investigated if healthy lifestyles could increase how long you live even if you have a high genetic risk for a short lifespan.  They looked at 353,742 people over more than a decade.
People were classified as having a "Healthy Lifestyle" if they were a non-smoker, consumed alcohol moderately, ate a healthy diet, had a healthy body shape and undertook physical activity. 
The results were very interesting:
  1. Those with an "unhealthy lifestyle" were 78% more likely to have an early death than those with a "Healthy lifestyle"
  2. Those with a high genetic risk for a short lifespan were 21% more likely to have an early death than those with low risk genes, however they showed the risk for early death could be reduced by almost two thirds if they lived a "healthy lifestyle".
This shows that a short life span is not always inevitable if you have "less favourable" genes. Making changes to improve your lifestyle could have a huge impact on your lifespan and the number of healthful years you enjoy. 
If you would like help and support on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, get in touch and book a free discovery call.  Or, would you like an "MOT" appointment to check how healthy your current lifestyle is? Why not book a Nourish reset appointment with me either in-person or online.
Read the full paper here
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